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A recognizable brand voice is one of the key elements of marketing. Voice is the personality and tone of your messages. It’s about the words you choose and how you present yourself to your audience.
A distinctive voice allows audiences to identify your brand without ever seeing your logo or hearing the name of your business. Think Nike or Apple. They make it look easy, but for most business owners, finding a unique voice that separates them from the competition is a challenge.
Maid service owner and email marketing expert, Lisa Bauerle, struggled with her marketing voice until she read a book called “DotCom Secrets” by Russell Brunson. She credits Brunson’s book with revolutionizing how she communicates with her audience of thousands. Lisa encourages maid service owners to read Brunson’s book for its wealth of marketing knowledge, especially the chapter about voice.
Lisa gave 2021 Maid Summit attendees a breakdown of the four voice types that Brunson details in his book, as well as tips on how to use voice to captivate your audience. Read on for the highlights of Lisa’s presentation.
Step 1: Identify your voice type
As you read through descriptions of the four voice types that Brunson’s includes in his book, think about your recent emails and marketing communications. Do any of the voices described sound like yours – or what you’d like your brand voice to sound like?
You can have a different voice for different types of communication or groups of people. It’s also common to change your voice type as you gain knowledge and experience or as your business evolves.
Brand voice 1: The Leader
The leader has experience and knowledge and wants to share her wisdom. She’s been there, done that, and has lived through challenges and rewards. She guides others who want to follow the same path.
Brand voice 2: The Adventurer
The adventurer is curious and doesn’t have all the answers. Adventurers say, “I don’t know the answer to that. But I can find out for you and tell you everything that happened along the way.”
Brand voice 3: The Reporter
The Reporter uncovers knowledge through research and conversations with experts, which she then shares with her audience.
Brand voice 4: The Reluctant Hero
The Reluctant Hero has no interest in the spotlight, but knows she must share her knowledge to help others.
Step 2: Build your attractive character
After you’ve decided on a voice for your brand, it’s time to build your attractive character.
“An attractive character is not someone who is extraordinarily good looking, although they might be. What I’m talking about here is a persona that attracts clients or customers, and helps you build your following,”
Russell Brunson, Dotcom Secrets.
An attractive character can be a persona or character type that represents your business or ideal client, or it can be an actual person who audiences instantly recognize as your brand’s spokesperson.
The elements of an attractive character
An attractive character that resonates with your audience has four characteristics:
- They have a backstory. Your character has a history that drives their actions and is relatable to your target audience.
- They talk in parables. Russell defines parables as “little stories, easy to remember, that illustrate a relevant point.”
- They’re open about their flaws and challenges. Nobody is perfect and flaws and challenges make characters believable –– and make audiences feel seen.
- They inspire polarity in their audience. Strong characters stand for something and have a definite opinion. Polarity helps you build a fan base of people with shared beliefs.
Step 3: Put it all together
Now, combine your voice and attractive character. Here’s an example of what that looks like using the popular marketing persona: the tired, overworked working mother.
Lily is a 35-year-old professional living in the suburbs of Chicago. She has a spouse, two kids, a cat, and a dog. She lives in a two-story house behind a white picket fence. She’s got it all – or so it seems.
Lily works 60-hours a week and spends her weekends on housekeeping. Her husband isn’t very helpful with the cleaning, the kids don’t pick up their toys, and the dog likes to make a mess on the rug. And now, Lily’s mother-in-law, who criticizes Lily about the cleanliness of her home, is coming for a visit.
This upcoming visit is what finally drives Lily to seek help. Lilly calls XYZ Cleaning because she considers it the best maid service in town.
In this scenario, we have Lily’s backstory, the parable or story about her critical mother-in-law, and the challenge presented by Lily’ untidy family and pets. Lily’s story is familiar and resonates with many people.
The polarity ties it all together. In this case, the polarity comes from the idea that only XYZ Cleaning can solve Lily’s problems. Because audiences relate to Lily, they become fans of XYZ Cleaning. Maybe XYZ Cleaning could help them, too.
Keep in mind: The words and tone you choose to tell Lily’s story will vary depending on the brand voice you’ve chosen.
Be you! Find that voice that you identify with and run with it.
How do you want people to feel when they come across your marketing? What do you want them to think? As you develop your voice and attractive character, find what feels comfortable and real to you. If you show up authentically, you’ll attract leads who are genuinely interested in your message and are more likely to become clients.
This talk first aired at the 2021 Maid Service Success Summit.
The Maid Summit is an annual online event that brings together the most successful leaders in the cleaning industry, like Debbie Sardone, Angela Brown, Courtney Wisely, Amy Caris, Chris Schwab and more. Get free access to masterclasses and workshops that will help you to grow, scale and automate your cleaning business so you can get more leads and create more profit. Make sure you’re on our email list to find out how to get free tickets to the next event.
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For more resources on how to grow and perfect your cleaning business, check out the replays from the 2021 Maid Summit, hosted by ZenMaid. The summit featured more than 60 presentations from other maid service owners who shared tools and strategies to help you achieve the highest levels of success in your business.
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